Saturday, March 21, 2009


Like crystal
Like diamonds
Shiver, sparkle
Twenty, thirty, forty feet of glitter and chill twinkle in the silence above us
Glassy in appearance, clinging to their trunks just as
My stiff red fingers wrap tightly around your arm.
Side by side we walk, shiver
Further into white silence, into nothingness our feet
Tromp and clobber along, deep
Deep down they plummet
Heavy as led and cold as dead, the
Tips of our dry December noses,
Our toes, maybe our hearts these days too, and I say to you,
There are no birds today, and still, you look ahead at
The nonexistent cars that go slipping along, no
People on the sidewalk, we are two lone creatures in a whiteout
In the road, in the quiet alone of togetherness
In the impenetrable silence that is a frigid winter storm, this
Long time together storm, tonight we are
Serenaded as we stroll, sung to by the creaking and cracking
Of branches above being hugged, smothered even, by winter’s ice and it is here,
Into nothingness, into this great blizzard unknown, we go.

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