Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dying Season

inky darkness now arrives early
serenading afternoon windowpanes with pitter patter
juicy raindrops plummet heavy and free
as rusty leaves flutter to final resting places
drifting atop reflective puddles, down murky curbside rivers
dampen hair stuck to frozen ruby lips and flushed faces
children slosh in their wellies
a cold wintry death upon us
the season of dying has returned to remind
the circle of life always never-ending
calls forth remembrance of those gone
and anticipation of that which inevitably will come
though the season of rebirth still a lifetime away
as icy air embraces frostbitten ears and noses
darkness for many moons now remains
among violent winds and gloomy faces
those who miss the light
after drizzle and downpours
a gray sky in mourning opens its arms wide to the world
perfuming the air with thick heavy dampness
in a season of death

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